Crescence fundraiser

If you want to be part of a new story of positive change, please kindly contribute to the Crescence fundraiser
How GoFundMe Works
With your help, we aim to achieve the following:
1. Food and health support for 50 street children in Yaoundé
In partnership with the Cameroonian organisation for the fight against the phenomenon of street children (OCALUCOPER) and DOMINO Charity International, we are putting these vulnerable children at the heart of our social action this year. As the number of children living in the street keeps rising, we wish to take care of three order of needs:
  • Food: Soup kitchen (daily canteen)
  • Health: Provision of pharmaceutical equipment at OCALUCOPER's headquarters for one year
  • Psychological development and social integration: monthly visit by a psychologist from Domino charity, participation in cultural and educational activities, dance and music lessons
  • Permanent and temporary accommodation depending on the availability of carefully screened host families

Our budget for this action amounts to 5,000,000 CFA francs, i.e. 7,620 euros, that is 12€/child/month. My personal contribution to this effort is 500,000 CFA francs.
2. Three performances of the musical Ashouka in December 2023
In 2019, the musical Ashouka was performed in front of more than 300 spectators, with the participation of and for the benefit of the orphanage Sainte Thérère d'Obili. The play explores in music, dance and theatre the issues of cultural identity, gender roles, the modern relationship with traditions and social responsibility through the misadventure of three friends. Sometimes it takes an extraordinary experience to make ordinary people grow in empathy!
Our budget for 3 shows in December 2023 is 14,700,000 CFA francs, or 22,479 euros. My personal contribution to this effort is 1,000,000 CFA francs.
3. The production of the second edition of the book Estou Explores
"As long as lions do not have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter" Chinua Achebe.
Estou discovers Africa is the bilingual book that I, as a child, would like to have read about the riches of my beautiful continent. Happy to cover all the production costs, I only ask you to read it, send me your feedback, give it to your loved ones, and participate with me in this commitment to make Africa’s stories more widespread and appreciated.
All profits from the book sales are donated to the Crescence association.
More information on the association:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!